Follow Your Dreams

I turned 40 last year and I started my dream business!

I had been blessed to be able to be a stay at home mom with my kids for basically the last 13 years. I earned my Bachelors in that time which was great...but when it came time for my littlest to go to Kindergarten a few years ago, I needed to get a real job...a paying, grown up job. I was scared. What about my kids' appointments? What about all the freedoms I had had in the past? This was going to be a hard change....but then something different was encouraged by many of my friends. GET INTO photography finally. They had encouraged it for years and I had done it only as a hobby up until that point, but I was scared. What if I failed? What if I hated it? What if I sucked!!??!!

But I did it.

I jumped in and just...did it!

But this wasn't just ANY kind of photography. How do you explain to your mom, grandma, conservative friends and family that you are going to be taking BOUDOIR photos of people?

And not just women either??!! I'm talking men, couples...doing ALL the things? Erotic and fine art photography, as well as boudoir, dudoir, and more. (you can see more here, if you dare: Erotic)

I was isolated enough in Alaska that I was able to start my business without my family in the lower 48 knowing what I did.

I had already been doing it awhile when I finally called my mom and made her go through the website with me, explaining that I knew some people in our family and family friend circle might not be ok with it, but I just needed her to know what I did and was going to continue to do. I wasn't asking permission or approval...I was merely asking for acceptance of a passion and, my mom being amazing, did exactly that! She had questions, naturally, but my mom is amazing and is supportive! So, from there, I went full-on with advertising it on my Facebook. My family has been nothing but supportive of this whole thing. Why was I so scared??? I guess I felt I would need their approval, but when it comes down to it, I just needed my own!

So ladies, follow your dreams!

My dream is to watch a journey of self-love and self-acceptance. I get to watch women, men, all people transform into a more whole person....a more loving and open person.

This is seriously the greatest job ever!

Don't think you're starting something too late!

Do your thing girl!!!!!


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