Simple is Sexy!!

White simple as that!!! 

The epitome of simple sexy — white sheets (or any sheets or blanket). This pose can leave a lot or little to the imagination depending on how you position the sheet. The best part? IT LOOKS GOOD ON, AND FITS, EVERYONE!

I see you momma, trying to hide the "mom tummy" and I totally get it!! There are plenty of ways to do just that with a simple sheet or blanket if that is your concern! I want you to feel beautiful and sexy and love your photos!

If you feel sexy, you’ll look sexy.

If you FEEL confident, you’ll look confident too.

Wear what makes you happy.

Sheets, blankets, sheers....these are all beautiful, but so is lingerie. You decide! You get to pick what you want to wear!!

Wear what fits and it is comfortable. Try things on before your session.

Happy shopping!


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